welcome to sidda writes. i'm lauren.
Hello, & welcome to Sidda Writes! You may have stopped over from my home blog, siddathornton, but if you landed here from avenues other than that, I prompt you to check out that page as well, since it houses my main blog content, which you may be interested in.
Sidda Writes showcases all of my writing, from thoughts, to lists, to trying my hand at compiling a work of fiction, as well as a nonfiction memoir. It has long been a dream of mine to write a novel's worth of fiction, as well as a memoir's worth of nonfiction. This page is going to aid me in that task.
The Fiction section of this blog will focus on the development of what I hope will one day be a published novel. For years, I've had some thoughts bouncing around in my head, asking me to turn them into a story. Herein, you will see my attempts to make that happen.
Similarly, the Memoir section of this blog will play home to some memories & experiences that I'd like to see bound together & turned into a real life book. These entries will provide a window into my past, as well as reflection on that past.
Thoughts posts happen when I simply open a new post & start tapping away. These are raw emotions, raw thoughts, going straight from my fingertips to your screen. This is the kind of blogging I did back in my xanga days, & it's something I - in the past, quite frequently - had realized was missing from my blogging regime. So now, it's here. And it's here to stay.
And finally, if you know anything about me, you'll know that I thrive off of lists. The making of them, the schlicing through of completed items with a highlighter, & the admiration of a completed list at the end of the day. Maybe the lists you'll find here won't be quite the same, but maybe they will. This section of Sidda Writes is one that I think will evolve over the course of time, & I'm excited to both witness & have a hand in that evolution.
So, there you have it. Sidda Writes in a nutshell. I hope you enjoy your time here, & that perhaps reading my words will inspire you to write some of your own. Writing can provide such a profound form of therapy, & I encourage you all to put pen to paper whenever you are able.
As I said before, this isn't the only place you can find me. Please feel free to browse around the entire siddathornton network!
siddathornton | My main blog, housing content of all kinds.
Sidda Wears | A blog focused on nail polish, clothing, & makeup.
Sidda Snaps | A photography exploration, encompassing snapshots & photo diaries.
You can also find me on YouTube, under the name siddathornton. A long-time lover of all things YouTube Beauty Community-related, I am currently working to build my channel, which will start out featuring monthly favorites videos, seasonal empties videos, get ready with me videos, tag videos, & the occasional vacation vlog.
To get in touch, visit my Contact page.